"Her name is Alice, but we could call her Anne, Lucy or Nadine, not because Alice is a woman like many others, but because Alice is one of us, one like us. What seems to be something quite normal, in reality is extraordinary, because Alice Basso is an influencer, but unlike other girls who are bringing travel stories, cooking classes, fashion tutorials and beauty ideas to thousands of people on their smartphones, she has something different. Just to bring some examples, even though she is a professional model, she doesn't just give advice on what to wear and how to do the best makeup, but often she is the one who is asking, her over 600,000 virtual friends for advice. Every other day she puts on the plate topics that hardly find space in the glamorous and photoshopeed world of fashion. She speaks about common problems like cellulitis ( her own , not the one of other women), panic attacks or the conflicting relationships between women. On her Instagram account, Alice daily tells the stories of her family. What her followers also appreciate a lot is her ability to keep some privacy for herself, her children and her husband.

- You've always been used to have all the eyes on you, as a professional model, also before becoming a rising star on social media. What has changed for you when you had the opportunity, besides showing your beauty, to speak to people? Do you think that an influencer has a social role, some kind of responsibility, in a job that is based on communication or does the responsibility belong to the followers and the choices they make?
- I noticed that, not only you are very spontaneous, but also quite emotional, that you worry a lot about other people and that you have natural listening skills. Have you ever thought that this could represent for you the evolution of your profession ?
- You have recently changed your glasses and your optician has recommended you a pair by Germano Gambini, excellent choice, they really suite you. Gambini was a pioneer in the italian eyewear industry, an innovator and from my point of view, sort of a guru. Is there some known woman, that represent for you someone to admire, a role model to follow, an icon?
- Like many other items that can be worn, glasses have a double use: they have a function first, but they are also valuable accessories. What is the accessory you couldn't live without ? Does wearing something that you like, change your mood?
- I often see photos of your getaways in the venetian lagoon. At least you bring Mauro with you(Ferrucci, her husband), but sometimes you fill the water taxi with your parents, in-laws and children. You certainly don't experience Venice in solutidine. What is your perception about Venice, instead, what emotions does it wake? Speaking of loneliness: is being on your own something you need now and then or do you rather prefer to avoid it?
- You don't like cooking, but you do love food. Where do you recommend to eat in town?