Once a year I should say something wise
...and this won't happen now ! Why should my Christmas newsletter steal the show during the Queen's speech? This is Alessandro and this is Boudoir, direct, honest and kind of the Grinch!
Dear Friends, Clients and Followers,
Covid as expected is not over, but at least this year I've been able to see many of you and I must admit, you haven't changed a bit !
For the ones who haven't made it yet, this newsletter is a great tool to keep in touch, let you know that you're not forgotten and that I'm doing well.
Also my glasses are in good health :) I haven't been to many trade shows, but the merchandise is fresh and updated as always. Check it out. The shop celebrated it's 12th anniversary: staying that long in business allowed me to refine every year the selection and make it the best match with your taste.
Last june the shop has moved to the square, called Campo San Barnaba. It's just a few meters from the previous location. I gave it a more contemporary layout, but the service and the quality are always the same.
We have brought in two new collection of perfumes: MOTH and RABBIT from Berlin and solid perfumes called SOLID SCENT.
Our newest eyewear collections are : MIGA STUDIO, DADA' and CHIMI.
For space reasons, we are giving up our textile collection LA LIGNE 29, so the last pieces are sold at half the price ( as well as some "end of collection" glasses.
Since last year you can book an online consultation for glasses. Which means that I give you, live on camera, the same advice and knowledge that you get when you visit the store. The service is charged 5 euros, only to avoid "trolls"as the shop stays closed for half an hour when we do this. The 5 euros will be refunded in any case, even if you decide it's not the right time to buy new glasses. Please book one or two days in advance, so I have time to get in touch with you before and get to know your new needs and expectations. By the time of our appointment I'll also have a dozen of frames for you ready to see. I will show up on an app called ZOOM. Best is if we both can see each other, but if you don't feel like talking to the camera, it's okay.
At the shop we work by appointment as well, so you can call for an appointment or book yours online.
Remember to follor our Instagram page boudoir_venice and if you liked the allover experience of buying at Boudoir, consider writing a review on Google Maps ( it's actually the platform where reviews are still real )
Here is the Holiday BONUS : if you're going to purchase anything from our shop before january 6th, use the code "BOUDOIR15" to get 15% off the price